I was sooo super excited to receive a comment saying I won a prize from Joey & Aleethea! She is an awesome etsy seller. You really need to check out her stuff! This is what I got to get:
She just found out she is having a baby girl! Congratulations!!!
Now here are some things that I have been doing... My etsy is not very stocked I have had quite a few custom orders coming in from different places, so I have been busy working on those. I did stock some Aprons, check them out:

I finished the other part of the baby gift (this goes with the tattoo bib in the previous post). This is a nursing blanket:
Then there are the longies that I made, I have more to do today! I have been a longies sewing fool, check them out:
This one has a hat to match:
So its back to sewing more longies today! What are longies you say? They are super soft wool cloth diaper covers that double as pants. All of mine are made from recycled wool sweaters! Interested in getting some for your baby? Just message me through the comments or convo me on etsy!