Queen of the Click is giving away these super cool hair things called Knot Heads...and a $10 GC to Amazon!
Mamanista is giving away a great Trendy Tadpole Tee!
From Crochetcilin to Homeschoolopoly is giving away a "green" shopping tote!
Snapshot is giving away a BUNCH of stuff!
BossSanders is giving away an Organic Hotslings Sling!
First Impressions is giving away a Sleepy Wrap!
Designs by Sheila is giving away a blog design!
Family Musings is giving away free Cereal!
Nature Moms Blog is giving away a great Baby Pkg!
Taffy Talk is giving away $40 worth of fabric!
Scary Mommy is giving away a custom bucket filled with bath time or arts and crafts goodies!
LOL these contests have consumed me. I will be posting some more today and then more after that..and prolly a few more after that even. Maybe someday I will get through them all and return to my regular posting....
I can not stop. It is an addiction. Will I be able to sleep.....
Posted by Stitchblade | 8:38 PM Jul 30, 2008Our Seven Qtpies is giving away some wonderful soap!
Simply A Musing Blog is giving away a $100 GC to Target! WOW~
Notebook Learning is giving away a Notebooking set for Homeschool!
Wired For Noise is giving away a great Breastfeeding mama prize!
S & G Hulett is giving away 3 very pretty washcloths!
Savvy Housewife is giving away a Peace Love Mom T Shirt!
WORTH a million is giving away a very pretty jewelry set!
Stay-At-Home Daughters is giving away a vintage dress pattern!
The Chronicles of a SAHM is giving away a $50 GC to Good For the Kids!
Weary Parent is giving away School Supplies!
Mommy Daze is giving away 18 cloth trainers! Also Toilet Time Targets!
Annie's Eyes is giving away an iPod Shuffle and Target Gift Cards!
Adventures of Four is giving away a super cool altered "Think PInk" lunchbox! You must see it!
My Wooden Spoon is giving away $300 Amazon Gc, $100 Williams Sonoma GC, and $50 PayPal!
Over at Laundry Tree they are giving away Soap Nuts!
Confessions of an Apron Queen is giving away a vintage Apron from her apron shop Rick Rack Attack!
Mommin' It Up is giving away a $25 GC to CVS!
One Thing is giving away a book, notecards and chocolate!
Where the Kudzu Grows is giving away a $25 GC to Barnes and Noble!
Chic Shopper Chick is having a giveaway of one set of social stationery and one set of Momager Calling cards
Mommy Cracked is also giving away calling cards!
Mom Most Traveled is giving away a SweatPea3 mp3 player!
I just have to write about Revolution Money Exchange again. They continue to impress me. I have been accepting payments through them as well as paypal. Thing is...they don't take fee's from my money as paypal does. They also just issued RME cards! I got mine and activated it today so now I have instant access to my cash! I can not brag on them enough. Customer service is great, I have called them with questions on things. I have had NO problems with RME and I highly recommend you sign up. Many Wham's are accepting RME as a payment option now since they can avoid many fee's this way. You can check them out by clicking below.
Home Made Simple is offering a coupon booklet by mail. Save over $27 on 6 great brands!
Click here to sign up! This deal was found via Thrifty Jinxy's Blog.
Also enter the Transform Your Hands Sweepstakes! Enter for a chance to win $3,000 toward a ring or bracelet.
Grand Prize Winner will receive $3,000 that may be used toward a ring or bracelet of their choice.
Six Monthly First Prize Winners will each receive $1,000 that may be used toward a piece of jewelry of their choice.
Daily Prize Winners will each receive a 22 oz. bottle of Dawn Hand Renewal in Pomegranate
I'll post more later as I enter them. Here are some to get you started though. Have fun! Make sure you read the requirements before you comment!
win a blog makeover----How awesome is THAT?
50 Dalla - To Target ----on this one PLEASE say you were sent by Stitchblade PLEASE, like just in with your comment. Thanks!
5 fantastic items----This is definitely a blog I will visit again.
24 personalized note cards (flat or folded) with 24 return address labels---her stuff looks so cute
Lands' End StudyHall Backpack---AWESOME
Tupperwares famous Rock N Serve bowl----ohhh ahhhhhh nice!
handmade Troll totebags-----Awwwww TROLLS!
$20 Target gift card----LOVE TARGET
two outstanding Kris Bordessa books ----I want I want I want!
charming reversible baby bib---SO pretty!
gift certificate...for $50!!!...to the store of your choice...-----Amazon is calling my name!
kissable lips lip balm and a travel size version of their organic body wash---awesome stuff!
Surprises!---who doesn't love a surprise??
Today and tomorrow at Starbucks get a FREE Vivanno Nourishing Blend Drink! Use your registered Starbucks card and get a complementary Vivianno Nourishing Blend Drink.
I just got off of the phone with Starbucks customer service. She said you need to have a balance on your card. I asked her what if it only like .50 cents...she said that was absolutely FINE. You do not need to buy anything. She said tell them you got the email about the promotion. There is no coupon required. They will ring up the drink as normal and swipe your card and it gives you the drink for free. She said some stores are having issues thinking you need a coupon and that is NOT the case. Just thought I would let y'all know what I found out!
I was surfing blogs today and found some great giveaways! Be sure to check these out!
1 Princess Linens is giving away a personalized Doodlebag to one lucky reader at So a Blonde Walks Into a Review.
2 $20 GIFT CARD FOR BORDERS from The Koolaid Mom
3 Win your own Advance Readers Copy of The Lace Reader by leaving a comment at The Boston Bibliophile

Yesterday I went grocery shopping at Kroger's. I got 4 16oz pkgs of fresh strawberries for $5.00! I thought that was an excellent deal! My girls ate one whole package just last night. I saved over $50.00 with just my Kroger card..imagine had I had my coupons! Since life is slowing down I am venturing back into the crazy coupon world!
I want to announce the opening of my new resale shop! I also have an RSS feed to it on the side bar of my blog. I hope you will check it often because I plan on adding new items daily! So far I am adding clothing that my girls have outgrown, books, diapering accesories, etc. Check back often you never know what you may find!
There's this girl....I call her Lin. She is one of those girls that I just know I would get a long with. Like I see us drinking coffee and talking over top of one another cause we're all jacked up on caffeine and hyper like that. She has some mad skills....

2. How many kids do you have?
3. What is your fav color?
4. Favorite song?
5. Favorite movie?
6. You have an etsy shop and I have certainly shopped there, please tell everyone else about it.
7. Favorite food?
8. Favorite online community?
9. Favorite WAHMS?
Cotton Mamma - so many awesome items. Totally gifted mama, exceptional customer service!
The Granola Chicks Ring - Excellent congo of some really talented WAHMs! One of my favorite places to go drool when I'm low on cash, lol!

Lin should be reopening her shop soon! She said the 15th, but you know how mamas are! Anyhow you can always contact her through her blog or etsy convo for a custom!

I had forgotten about Vindale Research until today. Vindale is a LEGIT company that pays you to try out new products, services, and websites.. I have received a lot of products in the mail to try out from them. I have not only received free stuff (good stuff) but money as well
You can make $5 to $75 per survey, and you even get to keep the products you review! The surveys are really easy, and the membership is FREE, so what is there to lose, right?
Check it out!
Another gorgeous Apron for a Pretty GC mama! If you are interested in purchasing your own Stitchblade Apron, or any of the other items I make please feel free to contact me!
Market research companies can be hard to track down sometimes. Then you find places online that want to charge you to give you the information! Guess what..... links galore will follow! Some of these will be local to Dallas and Texas only, but many of them have locations in other places too! I suggest signing up for all of them!
C & C Market Research
Dallas by Definition
Fieldwork, Inc.
Focus Coast to Coast
Focus Pointe Global
Plaza Research
Savitz Field and Focus
Schlesinger Associates
OK, so I was reading an article on Frugal Dad called 75 Tips to Survive a Down Economy. A lot of them are things we already did, but there were a few things on there that we needed to still do. I noticed that he talked about Cash Crate. I have seen this site before but wasn't sure if it was legit. He does it and so I decided to join last night. Its pretty cool, the cash amount moves from pending to earned pretty fast too. My minimum payout amount is set to $10, with my payout date set as the 15Th. I just started yesterday and already have this now:
July's Earnings: $9.18
Pending Earnings: $41.05
Points: 8
The points can be saved up and spent on things like on mypoints (If you want an invite to Mypoints let me know, I LOVE Mypoints and have earned MANY giftcards from there). I noticed a Starbucks gift card for points! I also used the Netflix offer on Cash Crate to sign up for a free trial where it also earns money to my account through Cash Crate. Tomorrow (Since calls are free on Saturdays) I am calling our cable company and getting rid of the Cable TV. We do not need it! I was impressed at the amount of shows that are available for immediate viewing right on the computer from Netflix! So much cheaper! We have had Netflix in the past and we enjoyed it, but they didn't offer the watch now option then.
Do you have a favorite money maker site? Let me know!