.................and apparently so do my children!
Daddy had band practice so we made whatever we wanted for dinner! If Daddy isn't here we can get away with making meatless meals. I let Lauren be the chef of the day and she wanted to make the Olive Cheese Bread (I put that thought in her head though...I'm the mama, I can do that). Even Emma got in on the fun of chopping olives...
Although...that chunky chipmunk cheek leads me to believe she was eating more than she put in the mix!
Please excuse the attire...it is Texas after all and it's HOT.......
Morgan was in charge of the ingredients that required more than a butter knife to cut....
Here is what it looks like before baking...
and after...............yea the pic is dark but I really do not feel like messing with it right now.
Oh and here it is cut and served looking so so elegant on this exquisite Sponge Bob plastic plate.

Emma says YUM YUM YUM! Please excuse the greasy hair, apparently the Olive Cheese Bread makes a great telephone too. (again....too lazy to fix pic...must eat more cream and berries......)
lol looks yummy and looks like the girls had fun!