Just about Anything

Posted by Stitchblade | 8:58 AM Sep 20, 2008

Just About Anything is the blog I stumbled upon today. A blog written by a mother of a girl named Sam living in Japan. I do believe she lives in Tokyo (but is originally from the Philippines), I searched for an about me page...but did not find it. It could be there...I just may not have enough coffee in my system to find it! She writes about ...well....Just about anything as her blog title suggests. I was browsing through I came across this post called Celebrating the Ten Years. She discusses the long distance relationship with her now husband. She is a first time mother and talks about that as well as food, travel, her personal opinions and thoughts, world news, other blogs and much more. I hope she will post some recipes of meatless (like ZERO fish or meat) Sushi. I want to make some but I have a total mental thing and I will not eat fish...especially not RAW. I wonder if she does Bento?