Why Do We Have Such Bad Luck?

Posted by Stitchblade | 6:48 AM Dec 8, 2008

So my last post was about how awesome everything seemed to be lately. Well today, not so awesome. I am sitting here worried about J. A few weeks ago he fell off of a roof while working. This sucked really bad because they had just started the job and yea it sucks because falling hurts.

He worked through the pain and after a few days was feeling a bit better. His arm still hurts and it has this funky little bend to it. Today he woke up having trouble breathing. Its all on the side that he hit when he fell. I am worried that he cracked his ribs and maybe in his sleep something shifted. He still went to work, but the look on his face told me he was in a lot of pain. I wish we were built with a little pain pump built in. Give that baby a push whenever you felt crappy. Really though, I never take meds, so I would probably never push the button on it.

I'm half asleep, only have had 1/2 cup of coffee. I have a lot to do OFFLINE today, so hoping to get all of mu puter stuff done this morning and SHUTTING this thing off to get stuff done the rest of the day.



  1. Anonymous // December 8, 2008 at 7:43 PM  

    You'll be pleased to know that I am awarding you a blog award!! please visit my blog to pick up your award!

    Just save the graphic to your computer and upload to your blog. don't forget to award 8 others :)

    Thank You for so many great posts!!!

  2. nikkicrumpet // December 9, 2008 at 2:59 PM  

    Gosh I hope he's okay. Sounds like he needs to see a doctor! It's nice that he's a tough guy and doesn't complain and still wants to work...but he needs to take care of himself too. Let us know how he's doing.

  3. jamnsfld76 // December 10, 2008 at 1:19 PM  

    How is J doing? I miss chatting w/ you girly!