It will not be ready until tomorrow evening. It is supposed to sit for 24 hours and should gel up some. Its pink...I like pink.
Then the wee ones woke up and hmmmmm lets make chocolate chip cookies!

Yea I suck at keeping up with a blog...but I have tons of excuses. Maybe one day I will tell you all my excuses. But for now I want to share my thrift store scores of the day.
Then Morgan found this:
Electric Tart Burner with 3 Yankee Tarts....FOR $1.09! I've never bought a Yankee Candles Tart. I heard they were pretty pricey though. I normally get all my tart goodies from Missy @ Missy's Tempting Tarts
On a side note...if you order from Missy, put my name "Brandy" in the coupon code area to get a discount!
Whats next you ask????
Brand New Smithsonian Crystal growing kit! $2.10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Oh and this...wow..BRAND NEW IN THE BOX as well...... $2.60!!!
So that was our thrifting...I think we made out like bandits..... :)
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