How exciting....the 4th of July is getting closer and closer! It is one of those things you just don't seem to outgrow! I have not made plans for this years 4th yet though. Pretty nice that it falls on a Friday though. Wouldn't your little one look so cute wearing this to the parades! It is available in my etsy. Stitchblade.etsy.com
What do you have planned for the 4th? Let me know in my comments. The best idea gets a prize!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well it doesn't sound very exciting but I am excited. My family are flying out on the 4th to spend a week with us. Once they get here we will probably BBQ at home and then take them to the beach that night to see fireworks. I have a favorite spot that is easy in and out, close parking and you can see fireworks from 2 cities at once.
Mines not that exciting either. But the kids and I are going to stay home and do little sparklers and poppers at home. Sit by the pool and swim all day and bbq for dinner :) Safer for me then trying to take them all out alone. And they will still have lots of fun.
We're gonna go out to Indian Lake, have a barbecue, go swimming, fire off some fireworks once the sun goes down and then camp out with a bonfire!
We are going to have people over, mainly DH's family so we can tell them we are pregnant!!
Going to cook out on the grill, swim, and pop fireworks!
I will be packing to leave for France the next day, so I guess that is not so much exciting as preparation for something interesting.
Cute tutu Brandy!
We always get together at a friend's house where we have a big potluck, sparklers for the kids and sing karaoke! What's more American than sining karaoke a the top of your lungs? LOL
Well we really haven't talked much about it but i know that we are going into town to watch the parda with familty!!! Then we will go down the fest that they have in town and eat some food and maybe play some gaems with Anthony!!!!! Then maybe go to my aunt and uncles and take Anthony swimming!!! I am sure it will be hot that day!!!!!We will then prob have a BBQ at Isaiah's family and then back into town to watch the fireworks!!!!! Those are not forsure plans yet!!! We might go to a different town to watch fireworks!!!! You never know!!!! Nothing really exciting though!!! We do about the same thing every year!!!!!