Finally a moment....

Posted by Stitchblade | 9:02 PM Jul 29, 2007

Things have been so busy around here this summer. Tomorrow will be no exception. Testing for the new school year starts tomorrow. Luckily all of my uniform shopping is done (way to go meee!). Anyhow while I have a moment...and I mean "A" moment I wanted to post my lucky thrift store find! I was reading on my blog neighbors blog how she wants her "piglet" to love Hello Kitty, which we all know means she is yet another grown woman in love with Hello Kitty. I have had this addiction for years. I have tons and tons of stationary. stickers, little novelties that I hoard. Anyhow...the point....I was at the thrift store the other day...was it yesterday or Friday? I can't remember, I have serious mommy brain (its harder on moms of girls!). Really though the day doesn't matter...what matters is what I found. It was a comforter ($3.00), Fitted sheet ($1.00), and a fitted top sheet ($1.00). Its in perfect condition and is now Ms. Emma's crib set.

It matched the bumpers I already had pretty well. $5.00 and too cute. I also snatched up a Care Bear crib sheet as well, I'm not sure if it will continue its life as a sheet or end up as something new. Well, I am now NAK and it gets hard to type so I guess my moment is over. Speaking of sure to click on the book release challenge in my side bar. I passed on my nursing books years back so I will not be participating, but wanted to link it anyhow.



  1. sweetfuzzies // July 30, 2007 at 12:09 AM  

    Wow! How cute is that! And 5 bucks for a complete Hello Kitty bedding set? Great find! How old is your daughter?

    Have you seen all the Hello Kitty goodies at Target dollar bins? I spent some $ there just in case Piglet does fall in love with Hello Kitty.

    I like Carebears too.