Testing took almost 4 hours today. I guess that is a good thing though because they take the test and stop when they can not go any further. So I would guess 4 hours of it meant she got through a lot of the packets. There were high school aged kids taking the same test. No one seemed to know when I would get the results but I am assuming at the open house. I am sure she did very well. The testing was mainly on reading and comprehension (which she grasps VERY well) and then Math (one of her favorite subjects). So no worries here.
One of our watermelons was ripe for picking today. It was one of the smallest ones. We were so nervous as we cut into it, it was perfect! The kids almost devoured the whole thing. This year was our first garden, so the kids get very excited each time something we grew is ready for them to try. We were able to have one of our cantelopes a few weeks ago, but then we had the weeks of rain and flooding here and it ruined them. The rest turned to a nasty mush.
Hi. I am out visiting the blogs of all the folks that entered my contest. I hope you had fun with them. I actually remember your blog layout from the contests.
Anyhow, I wish that we had a good patch of full sun to have a big garden. All i grow is tomatoes.
Have a great night!