Nothing new for the shop as of yet. I did make this wristlet for my niece today from reclaimed vintage fabrics. I was happy with how it turned out. I have more of this fabric and will make some for the shop as well.
Hello! My name is Brandy and I live in Denton, Texas. I have 3 little girls that are the most rockin' kids I have ever known. My Husband is the best man that I could ever hope to meet. He is an amazing Father, Husband, and Musician. He plays in a Texas band called HIT & RUN and you should really go check them out. I have a little clothing and accessory line called Stitchblade and sell on etsy, and also at my hyena cart. You can also contact me through my blog for custom ordering. I'm glad you are here and hope you come back again and again!
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