We love Summer!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Stitchblade | 10:18 AM Jun 27, 2008

Every summer my little entrepreneurs set up a lemonade stand. Last year they made a couple hundred dollars and I am not even kidding. At one point a police officer stopped to buy some and ending up directing Lemonade stand traffic! So far they have done the stand for the past 2 days and made $18.00. This money was spent on 2 new Hermit Crabs and more sand bedding.

Swimming is another great thing about summer! Morgan had a softball party at the local public pool. They had a blast and Lauren was a lot more comfy there then I thought she would be!

The local Ice Cream shop is amazing! It is so old school. They make all of their Ice Cream right there. The best malts EVER!



  1. Christi // June 27, 2008 at 8:36 PM  

    wow about the lemonade stand! that is awesome! your kids are cute!!