This Week Is Tree Time

Posted by Stitchblade | 8:52 PM Dec 7, 2008

I really can not wait. J is picking up the Christmas Tree this week. This year all 3 girls will be able to help decorate. I know they will have such a blast. Now my deal is getting everything ready for the tree to arrive. I need some sort of moving services to help get it in order for me. Anyone want to volunteer? This is our first Christmas in this house and I hope that it is a nice and memorable one for my girls.

This week was quite a full one. We had a surprise birthday party for J. Its funny because I had this planned before I knew about the one they had for me, so all of our friends were like ugh 2 in a row??? HAHAHA! Some good friends showed up and we all had a good time.

Before people arrived Morgan and J built a massive dog house for Morgan's dogs. Complete with porch and all. It still needs to be shingled and painted. It was a great weekend and I think it's going to continue to be awesome for us through this Holiday season.