
Posted by Stitchblade | 10:20 PM Oct 2, 2008

It has been another useless unproductive day. I sat online and really didn't accomplish anything. I surfed for auto insurance quotes....always looking for a cheaper solution there. I was found on myspace last night by an old friend that I have not heard from in years. Hearing from her made me think about all kids of people and places I had not thought of in a very very long time. I spent ALL day going through old yearbooks while searching on myspace. I found some, but not everyone I wanted to find. There are people that I didn't go to school with that I would like to find as a little nosey and see what they did with life. Are they the same...did they change? Did they become famous? I think I am going to devote a little more time to this and see who all I can find. I bet most of them would not be surprised with my career choices at all. I always said I would be a tattoo artist. It is a small world on the Internet! Have you found someone from your past recently? Oh about that has nothing to do with the post but I was looking at it and I felt like posting it. Morgan is 6 (now 10) and Lauren (now 4) is the baby there!



  1. Anonymous // October 3, 2008 at 2:25 PM  

    Awww...cute pic! I can understand why you're feeling nostalgic.

    You're a brave woman. I've often wanted to use my real name on My Space or some other such platform. The problem is, there are people (old boyfriends, etc.) who I do NOT wan to find me. If only we could block certain names from viewing us!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Joleen // October 3, 2008 at 6:56 PM  

    that picture is adorable. morgan's hair is cute. and... lauren is like the sweetest.

  3. LinLori // October 4, 2008 at 9:18 AM  

    Aw, Morgan and Lauren look gorgeous!

    Crazy how people can find you on the internet, no? I've been found by so many people - even a guy I used to go to *elementary* school with and I'd moved away in the 3rd grade! I think he found me through my Dad.

    That's kind of scary too, lol! Both my parents are on MySpace!!